Fulton County Warming Center for January
Faith Outreach Center, 1125 E 9th St.
Rochester, IN 46975
Dairy Queen night
Feb 13 4pm - close
Bowling Party
Feb 16 12-2pm
Country lanes
Sunday Worship Hours
9:30 am
Followed by Adult Bible Class & Children's Sunday School
10:30 am
There are special services during Advent and Lent on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm at the Church with soup and sandwich suppers at 6:00 pm.
Pastor May does a special service on the first Sunday of the month at 3:30 pm at Wynnfield Crossing.
About the Church
We have Men’s and Women’s bible studies. Everyone is welcome.
Our Pastor, Rev. Curtis May, is very involved in the Community by previously being a co-head of the substance use and mental health part of Fulton Co Hope. He was also a member of United Ministries and Kiwannis Club of Rochester. Pastor May remains a member of the Chamber of Commerce.
(Lutheran Women’s Missionary League) meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 3:30 PM. We support and raise funds for many missions throughout the world and organize social functions.
Bible Studies
Women’s Bible Study is Wednesday evenings at 5:00 pm in the Parish Hall at the church. The women usually go out for dinner after their study.
Men’s Bible Study is the first and third Saturdays of the month at 9:00 am in the Parish Hall at the church. The men go out to breakfast after bible study.
Adult Bible Classes and Children's Sunday School at 10:30 am on Sundays after 9:30 service with refreshments.
Anyone is welcome to join us for Bible Study or Sunday School. Bring a friend and praise the Lord with us!